Meet our trusted service providers

Meet our trusted service providers

Equipsme plan services are backed and delivered by some of the biggest and most well‑respected organisations in the healthcare field, so you really know you’re in safe hands.
AXA Health

AXA Health

Physio, Diagnosis, Treatment and Dental & Optical

AXA Health are one of the UK’s leading providers of health insurance and have been around since 1938. They use an approved network of private hospitals around the UK and provide Equipsme members with access to private diagnosis, private hospital treatment, 24/7 nurse support telephone lines and physiotherapy treatment. Working with AXA Health means you can trust that quality cover doesn’t have to come at a premium.

Health Hero

Health Hero

Remote GP Service

Health Hero are our provider of a 24/7 GP consultation service. They have over 20 years’ experience in providing patients with access to doctors remotely and are Europe’s leading digital-first healthcare provider. Within the GP Service, their open referral letters to see a specialist will be assessed by AXA Health as part of your claim and you can pay for a private prescription to be delivered to your home, work or local pharmacy.



Health Check
Across all levels of Equipsme we offer Health Checks through our service partner Thriva. They are a digital health check service provider who want to make it possible for everyone to be in control of their health. A GP reviews your health test results.  They explain if your results fall in the expected range and how to improve or maintain them with tailored advice – specific to your body. Thriva labs are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and testing kits our CE-marked.

Health Assured

Health Assured

Stress Support

Health Assured are an award‑winning workplace wellbeing service provider. They offer 24/7 365 days a year access to compassionate support to people, whatever challenges they face. The helpline is answered by experienced in‑house counsellors, legal and financial specialist. They also provide comprehensive information, including videos and webinars, to help businesses encourage good mental health and promote positivity in the workplace. They are UK and Ireland’s largest independent EAP provider and support over 13 million lives.