If you're exploring business health insurance, you're probably already aware of the incredible advantages it can bring to your business. From reducing absences to boosting engagement, retention, and recruitment in a highly competitive job market.
And with waiting lists growing longer, the demand for workplace health benefits has never been higher. Employees are actively seeking health backup, and as an employer, you want to protect both your people and your productivity.
If you still need to make a compelling case for Equipsme business health insurance, we have some numbers that can help.
Pull out box
“Workplaces have changed. Our health system has changed. And as a result what employees expect has changed, too. After a decent salary, a decent pension and the chance for a bit of flexibility, health support is now the number one thing people are looking for. It’s no longer a ‘nice to have’ – increasingly it’s a hygiene factor. With Equipsme, rather than paying for a dental and optical cash plan you could give everyone in your business real health insurance – and really set your health and wellbeing strategy apart.” Matthew Reed, Equipsme MD
Return on investment – Speed of diagnosis and treatment
149 million days were lost to workplace sickness in 2021*
With Equipsme, your people can get seen and sorted, faster.
GP services
As the first port of call for anyone ill or injured, getting a timely appointment and the right outcome is key.
Image from waiting times graphic taken from investment pack
Equipsme – Average time for remote GP appointment 2 days (with people often geting a response in a matter of hours)*
NHS – Average time for a non-urgent GP appointment 8 days*
Musculoskeletal issues are the second highest cause of sickness absence*, but getting a physio appointment is getting harder.
Equipsme – Average wait for an appointment 2 days
NHS – Average wait for an appointment 133 days
Diagnosis and treatment
A record 7.2 million people are awaiting hospital treatment – and 42% wait more than 18 weeks.* That’s more than four months out of action.
Equipsme – Average time to first outpatient appointment 1-10 days. Average time to general surgery 7-28 days.*
NHS – Waiting times vary across the country, but a first outpatient appointment can take 10-13 weeks, and general surgery around 20 weeks.*
Return on investment – Usage and value
This isn’t insurance that sits there gathering dust – we know people actually use and value our services.
Image – engagement rate graphic from pitch deck plus these take up figures
Take up
95% of members log into their portal*
41% use the Equipsme app*
Return on investment – Support you and your people
With Equipsme you’ve got a dedicated team to support you and plan members throughout the lifetime of your plan. We’ll help you set up and promote your Equipsme health insurance, providing co-branded marketing, newsletters, and a co-branded app.
We can help you create a bespoke pitch about Equipsme and its benefits – get in touch with our friendly team today at [email protected].
*149 million days were lost to workplace sickness in 2021 – source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/labourproductivity/articles/sicknessabsenceinthelabourmarket/2021#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20working%20days,to%204.6%20days%20per%20worker.
*Equipsme stats taken as at the end of 2022.
* Average time for a non-urgent GP appointment 8 days https://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/news/workload/face-to-face-gp-waiting-times-still-shorter-than-before-the-pandemic/
* Musculoskeletal issues are the second highest cause of sickness absence https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/labourproductivity/articles/sicknessabsenceinthelabourmarket/2020#:~:text=Musculoskeletal%20problems%2C%20which%20includes%20back,common%20reason%20for%20sickness%20absence.
* Average wait times for a physio
AXA Health, internal analysis, October 2022 (double check that includes NHS wait times)
*Diagnosis and treatment – 7.3m waiting hospital treatmwent in Dec 2022 and 3,051,661 wait more than 18 weeks. https://www.bmj.com/content/380/bmj.p332
*Equipsme average waiting times to diagnosis andtreatment – https://www.spirehealthcare.com/spire-tunbridge-wells-hospital/patient-information/private-procedure-waiting-times/
*NHS average waiting times for diagnosis and treatment –
*Equipsme take up rates – TBC
Thanks Claire