Space Kitchens and Bathrooms are based near Romsey and design, supply and install kitchens and bathrooms across Hampshire.
In 2018, Space bought Equipsme for their whole team because they wanted to show their staff how valued they were and to give them the peace of mind that comes with having a health insurance plan. For £33 per person per month, the team have access to a GP 24/7 via phone or video, physios, specialist diagnosis and hospital treatment.
Space had considered PMI before, but found that it was expensive and inflexible. When their broker suggested Equipsme, James Geere, Director from Space thought it sounded good: “Being a small, family‑focused business, we wanted our staff to feel well looked after. It’s peace of mind for them and shows we care. Not only that, it benefits the business as well: if our staff have got something wrong, they will be able to get it sorted and get back to work quicker.”
Space also liked the fact that their staff could upgrade and add their family if they wanted to and several members of the team have taken advantage of this. “Everyone was so pleased and surprised to get the health insurance plan. It makes you feel good to be valued and providing this benefit is an easy way to do that and it gives our people the peace of mind that it’s there if they ever need it. Our staff were quite touched by it actually,” said James.