Brilliant benefits

Equipsme plan benefits are backed and delivered by some of the biggest and most well‑respected organisations in the healthcare field, so you really know that you and your team are in safe hands. Click on the benefit icons below for details.

24/7 GP access

Provided by Health Hero

Our 24/7 GP support service is provided by Europe’s leading digital first healthcare provider – HealthHero – who have over 20 years’ experience in providing patients with access to doctors remotely.

If any member of your team isn’t feeling their best they simply need to give HealthHero a call anytime to book a GP consultation. If medication is prescribed, they can pay for them to organise for a private prescription to be delivered to home, work or local pharmacy.

Plan levels 1, 2, 3 also include an ‘Open Referral’. This means if the GP thinks they need a referral onto a specialist all they have to do is share the open referral letter with the Equipsme claims team at AXA Health, who will confirm if they are covered and if so, then help organise the referral to a private specialist at a convenient location and time.

It’s also easy to access the GP support service 24/7 through the dedicated members portal or the App.

For more information on our GP support line please read our blog.

Physiotherapy sessions

Provided by AXA Health

All Equipsme members receive access to physio sessions in order to help get them back on their feet. As musculoskeletal issues are one of the key reasons for sickness absence this is a valuable benefit to your business and to productivity.

To ensure you and your team receive the most suitable care, the AXA Health Physio team will start with a telephone assessment to confirm if cover is available. They will assess the situation and provide easy self-help solutions, if applicable.

Should you or your team require a physiotherapist, they can also help to book an appointment with one of their recognised practitioners. With GP Plus and Level 3, you can enjoy up to 5 annual Physio sessions. At Level 2, this increases to 8 sessions, and at Level 1, there is no yearly limit, to help you receive the care you need.

You can access physiotherapy sessions through our dedicated members’ portal or App – click on the Physiotherapy button, and either fill in the online form or call AXA Health directly to discuss the claim.

The best part is you and your team can contact them regardless of whether you have a GP referral or not. Please note, if the condition you are claiming for might be pre-existing, you may need to obtain additional information from your own GP first (as only they can access your medical history records) before a decision on cover can be made.

For full details please read our blog.


Provided by AXA Health

We’ve got your team covered with Diagnosis Cover on Plan Levels 3, 2, and 1. Our comprehensive diagnosis benefit includes specialist consultations, diagnostic tests, MRI, and CT scans. Plus, we provide cover until Cancer is diagnosed.

Bills that are covered will be paid directly by AXA Health. What’s more, there is no excess to pay on Levels 1 and 3, and just a small Excess of £150 on Level 2.

To access specialist diagnosis consultations and tests, speak to a GP first (members own or through our private GP service). If the GP gives an open referral, members then contact AXA Health, and they will assess whether the claim is covered and if so, can help organise a referral to one of their approved Specialists.

Additionally, Plan levels 3, 2 and 1 include a Second Opinion service. If you feel like you’re not getting the answers you need from your current private specialist and want to talk to an alternative specialist, the service is here to help.

Our latest blog tells you all about seeing a consultant for a diagnosis, read blog here. And if you want to know more about how the second opinion service works and helped one of our members recently, read more here.

We make it as easy as possible to submit a claim for diagnosis through our dedicated members’ portal or App.

Hospital Treatment

Provided by AXA Health

Plan levels 1 and 2 include cover for Hospital Treatment. This means that if members need to have treatment in a hospital, as an in-patient or out-patient, the benefits include cover for specialists, surgeons, hospital room charges, dressings, and drugs required during the hospital stay.

Members also have access to the AXA Health approved network of hospitals and specialists, and they will settle bills that are covered directly.

Our plans do not provide cover for the treatment of Cancer, although we do include cover leading up to the diagnosis of Cancer. At level 2, there is an excess of £150 and there is no excess to pay on Level 1.

And don’t forget, having hospital treatment can be a worrying time so all members have access to a 24/7 telephone health information and support line for any health-related questions or worries.

All the details about how do get treatment through the Equipsme plan can be found on our blog, read it here.

In advance of treatment members are encouraged to call AXA Health and discuss the details of their claim, so they can assess whether the condition is eligible for cover and if so, help them find a hospital/clinic on their approved network.

We make it as easy as possible to submit a claim and contact AXA Health for private treatment through our dedicated members’ portal or App.

Health checks

Provided by Thriva

Health checks are a great way to understand more about your health and what’s happening inside your body.

Equipsme members have access to an online health check through our service partner Thriva, focused on height, weight, smoking, drinking, exercise and diet. You also receive key recommendations to monitor future health.

In addition, on plan levels 1, 2 and 3 members receive an annual blood test.

We strongly encourage all members to actively monitor their health and wellbeing with an annual health check. Your employees’ wellbeing is our priority, and we want to support you every step of the way. Please note health checks are only open to adult Equipsme members aged over 18.

Plus there is a further 20% discount off additional Thriva health checks you choose to buy and a 25% off discount for Nuffield in person health checks.

For details of how the health checks work please read more in our blog.

Dental & Optical

Provided by AXA Health

Our dental and optical cover is a great optional benefit that a business can choose to add when selecting the levels of cover for the whole team. It applies to all employees included, regardless of their level.

Our dental and optical cover includes dental check-ups and treatments with 100% payback of up to £200 per plan year. Additionally, we offer sight tests and prescription glasses and contact lenses with a 100% payback of up to £100 per year. We contribute up to £25 towards your annual sight test and all members can obtain a 30% discount at Vision Express (£50 minimum spend applies) to help with the cost of glasses.

Full details of how to claim your dental and optical expenses back can be found in our dedicated members’ portal or App.

Stress support

Provided by Health Assured

Stress Support cover is an optional extra that a business owner can select when choosing the levels of cover for the business. It’s a comforting, additional benefit to help support the mental health of your employees and it applies to all members included (and aged over 16) regardless of their level.

Our Stress Support provider is Health Assured – a leading UK provider of telephone and face to face counselling support. Stress Support includes a Confidential telephone service 24/7, Counselling by phone and up to 8 face-to-face sessions by phone or online.

As well as running the helpline, they also have an App, Called Wisdom, that’s designed to support daily wellbeing – all from the comfort of your mobile phone.

Members can easily access this service through our dedicated members’ portal or App.

24/7 Nurse helpline

Provided by AXA Health

Our Plans are designed to provide the best care and support. That’s why all Equipsme members have access to a 24/7 telephone health information and support line. When you have a health-related question or worry, it can be overwhelming and difficult to think about anything else. The same goes for your team, who may struggle to focus at work when they have a health worry that keeps them up at night.

Nurses and counsellors are available round the clock, while pharmacists and midwives are available from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm on Saturdays, and 8am to 12pm on Sundays.

Our health information and support lines are provided by AXA Health, so you know you’re in expert hands. They’re only a phone call away (which can be found in our dedicated members portal or App when you log in) so members can access them quickly and easily at any time.

For even more information on how our support lines can help when you need them most please read our blog.

Cancer and heart support

Provided by AXA Health

All our members receive access to dedicated cancer and heart specialist nurses for guidance, information and support for members and their families.

It can be a worrying time and having an expert on hand to talk through questions and concerns can be helpful. Whether you or your family members have specific questions about the condition, medication, understanding jargon or just want to chat to a friendly expert, they can be a real support during a difficult time.

Our health information and support lines are provided by AXA Health, so you know you’re in expert hands. They’re only a phone call away (which can be found in our dedicated members’ portal or App when you log in) so members can access them quickly and easily at any time.

Male and female health

Provided by AXA Health

Equipsme are here to support members with their specific health conditions, whether it’s related to; fertility, pregnancy, menopause, prostate, testicular or female cancers. We offer a range of information and links to dedicated specialist charities and condition guides, all within our blog and news pages.

All members are able to get advice from the Equipsme private GP service and request to speak to a male or female GP. More information can be found here.

All members on plans with diagnosis and treatment have access to our Menopause pathway – more information can be found here.

AXA’s nurse helpline includes nurses, midwives and pharmacists, who can talk you through your symptoms and questions about specific medication including HRT – more information can be found here.

Members on Level 1 have a choice of a Male or Female health to check key hormones and other blood markers.

And don’t forget all members can access discounts on hormone and fertility tests through our partner Thriva (these include testosterone, fertility and hormone checks) – more information on health checks can be found here.

It’s easy to access all benefits through our dedicated members’ portal or App.


Elder care support

Caring for elderly relatives can put a huge amount of strain on families, which can be emotional, physical and financial. It is thought 1 in 7 people in the workplace are thought to be juggling both work and care.

Equipsme members, alongside their health benefits, can also access care and support to help elderly relatives live well. This includes discounts off personal alarms, support services and free practical information and expert advice.

Members who have stress support/EAP as part of their plan can also access legal advice and information regarding eldercare issues like care home placement, power of attorney, and financial planning, alongside emotional support for individuals dealing with challenges related to aging family members.

More information can be found in our blog and full information on how to access the support can be found in our dedicated members’ portal or App.

Health and wellbeing perks

Equipsme loves to help members live well and stay well and we have some great offers and discounts that are available for all members. These include:

Gym discounts

  • 40% discount off Nuffield Health monthly individual memberships:
  • 40% off Hussle’s Monthly+ pass:
  • 40% off Nuffield Health 24/7 online memberships

Optical discount

  • 30% off Vision Express glasses and a free eye test (minimum spend applies)

Health check discounts

  • 25% off Nuffield in-person health checks
  • 20% off additional Thriva health checks